Recently the topic of wiping hard drives with electromagnetic degaussers came up
on the Security Focus pen testers mailing list. I had just previously finished
some testing in this area and I posted the following article to the list. I
might add that my purpose in conducting the testing was for a project I wanted
to present at Notacon, unfortunately I came to learn that degaussers permanently
ruin hard drives. Something I learned from the mailing list that wasn't in my
article was that some hard drives have servo tracks saved on an unused platter
and degaussing a drive will also wipe those tracks - with no method of recovery
outside of the factory. I don't know this for a fact but seemed to be 'common
knowledge' for the folks that do high end data recovery on the list. Take it
with a grain of salt.
recently tried several experiments with wiping hard drives by electromagnets,
the results where quite surprising to me. My first attempt was to build my own
electromagnet which failed pretty bad. I was able to build a fairly strong
electromagnet large enough to encase a hard drive but this design was flawed
once I looked into more efficient designs. Using some basic calculations I
realized I would need much more voltage and many more turns of wire or a more
efficient design to get a magnet even close to the power of a small hand-held
degausser. I moved on to testing a basic AC powered hand-held tape degausser.
These tests where either inconclusive or failed, more info below.
Two types of tests: AC versus DC.
Electromagnets can operate in two modes: AC and DC. In AC (Household current)
the magnetic field reverses polarity at 60 cycles per second. Because of
inductive reactance the magnetic field is reduced in strength when compared to a
DC current of the same voltage that never changes polarity. However this
difference may not be very noticeable in real world testing.
Test subjects and methods:
I tested 3 IDE hard drives, a 40MB Seagate, a 170MB Maxtor? and a 4GB Maxtor.
Because of a lack of time and early poor results I did not attempt to do a
forensic capture of the data on the drive to see what parts of the data was
affected. My test was only to see if the drive would boot up a system after
exposure to the magnetic field. MS-DOS 7 was the operating system installed.
DC Tests:
I operated the normally AC powered degausser with a 36v DC power source. I put
the degausser to the surface of the drive and waved it around for 1 minute or
longer. I verified that the magnetic field was penetrating all platters of the
drive by activating the degausser and picking up pieces of metal from the
opposite side of the drive. Obviously the field was weaker than when the
degausser runs in AC operation because of the significantly lower voltage,
however the field was strong enough I had hoped for good results. Unfortunately,
after the 170MB and 4GB drive where subjected to the magnetic field both
remained bootable and did not show any loss of data. The 40MB drive was not
available for testing, see the AC results...
AC Tests:
In all AC tests the drives where physically damaged to some degree. Because of
the 60Hz nature of the AC mode of operation one could hear the drives rattling
inside the covers during exposure. I assumed this was mostly the armature being
affected. I suspect the repetitive slamming of the armature against the home
position may have contributed to the damage found. This leads me to believe that
only a DC electromagnet could successfully wipe a drive without damage to it,
but this is only speculatory.
I tested the 40MB drive first and once I found it had been damaged I moved back
to using DC to power the degausser for initial tests. The 170MB drive was
damaged also. The 4GB drive was not damaged initially. In a last attempt to be
certain the magnetic field was fully penetrating the 4GB drive I removed the lid
and replaced it with one made from plexi-glass. This may or may not have been
theoretically sound but satisfied my curiosity. Upon inspection I found that the
coil of wire from the armature to the head had been uncoiled and stretched out,
reaching towards the electromagnet. While the drive was still bootable at this
point, the first boot attempt failed. The second was successful, this was
probably because of debris that entered the drive enclosure during the lid
change (In the future a low atmosphere environment would be preferred for drive
disassembly). I performed a full format of the drive, this failed with multiple
sectors lost. I suspect the top-most platter was no longer accessible because of
head damage received from the electromagnet.
In conclusion, I found that 'normal' electromagnets available at hand just do
not have the power necessary to forensically wipe a hard disk. While they can
certainly damage a drive, they don't seem to affect the data. I am curious how
systems like the "4000FS" operate without damaging the drive. In speaking with a
colleague we determined the best way to permanently erase a hard drive would be
to expose the platters to a corrosive agent such as turpentine or some acid that
would dissolve the ferromagnetic coating.
Hope this was insightful.