: X-10 Wardriving :

War Driving with X-10 Wireless Video
by: dosman


   So we decided to drive around with my X-10 video receiver in my car. I used a USB TV Tuner so I could view any signals on my laptop and record without a VCR in my car (And so I could wardrive for WiFi at the same time). I was amazed to find city cameras pointed at traffic, and even was able to record video of myself driving through an intersection. We also witnessed this camera pan so now I am interested in how it is controlled :-)

    Update! We found this camera on the internet! Check it out here.

A video clip we captured.
You will need the DiVX codec to play it..
Right-click and save the link.


A step-by-step of the movement. First pic blurred by bad reception.



    Here are some various other still images I've snapped from other 2.4GHz wireless cams. Most of these I simply grab a frame of video while I am driving, so I don't always get the clearest picture. Usually I get a pretty clear picture at first, but by the time I notice it and hit the capture button it has started to fade out some. Also, I have adjusted the brightness and contrast to make these pics as clear as possible.

    Eventually I want to start collecting video's of myself in these cameras as I find them, however that requires more planning. Most of the ones I could be in view of and not be illegal are the store cameras and don't have parking close enough for someone to man a laptop while I go inside, so some antenna work will be needed also.





Got these two the same night as the traffic camera above






These two came in off of a highway. The one on the left (driveway) was at least a quarter mile off the road as far as I could tell.






My latest additions.

    All this makes me itch for one of these babies so I am not limited to just X-10's 4 channels :-).

Legality of wardriving


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