: Old News : |
11-20-06 - Had some fun with the PS3 and Wii campers this weekend along with our friend Evil Spock of theneedsofthefew. We should have some short clips up this wiik.
10-23-06 - Phew, the weekend went by too fast! See some pictures over here. Thanks to everyone who said hi and bought lock picks. Last but not least, thanks to Operator who fixed the Geeks Unleashed cabinet after it was ownzored. 10-20-06 - We will be at PhreakNIC 10 in Nashville TN this weekend! If you stop by, just look for us in the vendor area, we'll be the group selling lock picks and representing the only lock picking club in Indiana, the Fraternal Order Of LockSport. The Geeks Unleashed arcade cabinet will be there as well so come on down and say hi!
09-17-06 - Spoils of the segment we shot this weekend:
08-05-06 - Just in case you are bored waiting for more
video, here is another show made by our friend Matt Fiebig called
And here is a picture from
NAC3 courtesy Fiebig:
07-05-06 - The Packet Sniffers hasn't died just yet, we're busy working on another episode. On a side note, we're contemplating putting our DVD('s) on bittorrent for download (High Quality). If you would be interested in seeing this happen send us a note: contact[@]packetsniffers.org. 05-15-06 - We've got another release of Geeks Unleashed, version 1.336 is now available. The main changes are music by Machinae Supremacy for the stages and two more characters (Aestetix and Pirate Monkey). Also, Hamvention is only a few days away! 04-12-06 - Notacon 3 has come and gone, it was a blast. Here is the Project we've been working on for the past 4 months. Some time later this week we'll get pictures and something written about the event up on the site. 04-03-06 - Who ever is banging on our poor little RSS feed
please stop. If you are a group behind a proxy please contact us and we'll
figure out a way for you to get your feed without beating our server up.
This has continued into this month. 04-1-06 - April Fools! While you are here, we might remind you that Notacon is only a week away. We will be there along with the Infonomicon crew showing off the project we've been working on for the past 3 months! You'll be sorry you missed it if you don't go! 01-26-06 - I finally posted my writeup from PhreakNIC 9 for anyone that's interested. 01-18-05 - We're back in action on a project that will kick everyone's ass, including our own! We'll be announcing it at Notacon in April this year. If you're board and long for more C64 goodness, check out this video from the band Press Play On Tape. 12-18-05 - What have we been up to lately? When is the next show coming out? Get updates here.
11-27-05 - Now by popular demand,
11-24-05 - Gobble gobble! 11-20-05 - New from DEAD BEEF Productions - It's the worlds first weekly internet sitcom, KYCHN! 11-19-05 - As promised, we've finally gotten around to releasing our first few shows in higher quality. All of our (English) shows are now available in 640x480 NSV format as well as 320x240 WMV format. And if you like snowboarding you might like this other video I just released on the DEAD BEEF site. 11-08-05 - We just wrapped up filming for another project, details to come soon... 10-25-05 - PhreakNIC was terrific, I had a blast, I'm only sorry Zach couldn't go. Some more info here. 10-21-05 - We'll be at PhreakNIC all weekend. Stop by our table and say "I love RC cars" to get a free sticker! First person to do it gets a free DVD too! 10-8-05 - We'll be at PhreakNIC 9 this year in Nashville TN. Stop on by our table and say hi. We'll have t-shirts and stickers for sale, and maby some free DVD's :) We'll also have some interesting hardware to check out. 09-25-05 - Episode 2 is now available in Russian. 09-22-05 - We have T-shirts and stickers available now for anyone that is interested. 09-19-05 - Looking for a short daily tech podcast without any fluff? Check out the TWATcast, hosted by droops, dosman, and other yet-to-be named bandits. Help us decide what TWAT should stand for! 09-09-05 - Episode 5 is here! 09-3-05 - Well, episode 5 is finished. However we are still waiting for permission to use one of the segments so it will be the middle of next week at the earliest before we can release it. Thanks. (There's a sidebar link for Zach's blog now.) 09-01-05 - Mikee over at WinForums has been hosting our non-English episodes as well as mirror 1 of episode 4. Well, after 11,000 downloads of #4 it looks like he is down for the count for bandwidth overages (That's 2.3 Terrabytes of data). Jason Scott literally laughed at our puny download count so I guess Mirror 2 should hold up for a while yet... 08-28-05 - It's our 1 year anniversary today! And we have some new equipment now, namely a Sony DCR-VX2000. Also on the table is a DCR-HC30 for when tight quarters shooting is needed. Goodbye 8mm, hello MiniDV!
08-25-05 - Greetings Makers! 08-21-05 - FileFarmer has a nice site with other shows like ours if you are interested: http://www.filefarmer.com/techshows
08-19-05 - We hope to have episode 5 out before the end of
the month, maby shortly into September at the longest. We also have some
other announcements to come soon...
07-20-05 - We will begin work on Episode 5 this week. We actually finished
several segments for it during the making of episode 4, so it's coming
sooner rather than later. 07-10-05 -
Zach has a blog
available now for those that are interested.
07-05-05 - We have a newsletter now if you want to be
notified when new episodes come out. Find out how to sign up
07-04-05 - Without any further adieu,
Episode 4 is here, it's our
automotive extravaganza! We have our regular WMV file and a higher quality
NSV file too (Winamp VP3 codec).
06-25-05 - Unfortunately do to technical difficulties we are unable to
release the show yet. We apologize for the delay, we will be working to
get this out over the next few days.
06-18-05 - We are doing final shooting for episode 4 today! Episode 4 is
99% done as of right now, we just have some finishing touches to complete.
Release time: 2 weeks or less. 05-30-05 - Finally figured out what was
wrong with our main camera after the Notacon fallout - faulty dew sensor.
We are back in business. There are also some new
things under Events and
Projects. 05-29-05 - We assure everyone that we are still working on the show. Both Zach and myself will be pushing for a release by the end of June. 05-20-05 - We will be at the Dayton Hamfest this Saturday and Sunday. If you find us stop and say hi. You might get a prize :). 05-19-05 - Episode 1 is now available in Chinese (Mandarin) thanks to Pung Wang. Hosting provided by Mikee of www.winforums.org. Thanks guys! 04-23-05 - We'll have a Chinese version of episode 1 available soon. We are still churning away on episode 4, it's coming along slowly. And one of my tapes went bad taking nearly 3 whole segments with it :-(. We will also be at this years Hamvention next month as usual. There's also something new in the bitbucket. And here are a couple pics from Notacon
courtesy of krnlpanik:
04-13-05 - I've got a writeup for Notacon finished along with pictures and other good things to come. Here. 04-10-05 - Home. Shower. Writeup. In that order. It was a great weekend. Lots of stuff broke. Lots of new friends. Lots of good video for future episodes. Everyone rejoice. 04-07-05 - We are headed to Notacon. If you want to meet up with us along the way just watch for the AP with an SSID of (Notacon-or-Bust). We'll also be on FRS channel 6. 04-04-05 - Have I ever mentioned how much I hate DVD authoring? No? Well after 14 hours of continuous work I believe I'm close to finishing our DVD that we'll be selling at Notacon. There's a fair amount of extra stuff on here not available anywhere else as well as a (nearly) complete segment from episode 4. 03-30-05 - Hello Slashdot! NotaconTV needs bandwidth! If you will be attending and can bring a [large] 100MB switch and/or CAT5 to the con we will hit you up with free schwag! Contact us at contact[@]packetsniffers.org Thanks! 03-21-05 - Finally got around to patching our forums, they are back up again. 03-16-05 - The Packet Sniffers will be hosting NotaconTV at this years Notacon in Cleveland and we want shoutouts from folks! Check out the details. We are also organizing a Notacon-Or-Bust Caravan if you are driving from Indiana to the con. If you are interested send us a note (contact at packetsniffers.org). Further details to come shortly. 03-07-05 - It's official: The Packet Sniffers will be at Notacon in Cleveland Ohio, April 8th-10th. Zach will be presenting "Evolution '05: The Many Forms of the Commodore 64". Also check out Notaconradio, "63 Hours of Who The Hell Knows". Oh yea, I forgot to post teasers. 02-27-05 - Since we are running later than usual this cycle, if you want an idea of what we are planning for episode 4 here are a few teasers. 02-20-05 - We are running behind as usual, but we have a great episode planned out. We've started some filming already, but have lots more yet to complete. Also, Piper wants everyone to know about Xcelerator, a free LAN party held in DC March 18th to the 20th. 01-29-05 - Added some more of our older projects to the projects page. 01-26-05 - Thanks to Mikee over at WinForums for hosting mirrors of our non-English episodes. 01-24-05 -
01-09-05 - First post! (of the year). Anyway we are trying to get some of our segments together for episode 4. Also we have some new affiliates where you can find our show in streaming format and other creative distribution methods. 12-19-04 - Forums are back. And we still need translators if anyone is interested. We'll even throw in some free shwag for helping us :). 12-14-04 - Another phpBB exploit released, forms down until further notice. 12-13-04 - We are enjoying another post-release slowdown but episode 4 looms over the horizon. We have a complete lineup of segments already set to be filmed, I would guess a release date of around late February or March 2005. Thanks to everyone that mentions us on message boards and news groups! And don't be afraid to give us some feedback. 12-05-04 - Do you speak a language other than English fluently? Do you have a technical background? Would you like to donate your voice for a worthy cause? If so we want to talk to you! contact[@]packetsniffers.org 12-04-04 - Just noticed that we where mentioned in Infonomicon 11, thanks Droops! Sorry we didn't notice that until just now. 12-03-04 - Episode 3 is now available here and here! It's in higher resolution than previous shows and 250MB. Thanks to Jason Scott of the BBS Documentary for our first mirror of the show, be sure to get your pre-orders in for the BBS Documentary. 11-26-04 - We are mostly finished with this episode, but we still haven't gotten final clearance to air 2 segments shot on location in this show. Hopefully Monday we will get all necessary permissions and we can put up a link. 11-23-04 - Patched the forums for the recent howdark phpBB exploit. If anyone has problems with the forums please send us a note. And we only have final editing left to do on episode 3. 11-17-04 - Ok, we've slipped past our release date for episode 3. I'd say, at least 1 more week, maby more. We've got a good show coming I promise. And also of note, I noticed that textfiles.com put a mirror of our shows up. Thanks Jason! Hrm, I wonder if our show will make it onto the BBS documentary you're releasing next month... One can always hope. 11-09-04 - Just an update, we are getting close to finishing up episode 3, but we still have plenty of work to do though. We are aiming for November 15th, but no promises. We have some good stuff in this episode, a Commodore hardware vendor was kind enough to donate some *new* hardware for our review, and other old computer goodness. And if you like modern storage systems (multi-terabyte) you might like this episode too. 10-25-04 - Are people completely stupid? Or am I just totally paranoid? RFID for dental prosthetics. Just so people don't think we are nutters here at TPS... I have no problem (Well, very little problem) with RFID used by a business to keep track of stock in their stores and such. But anything that uses RFID and contains personally identifying data requires a bit more scrutiny. We aren't seeing any black helicopters about, just using common sense. 10-22-04 - An article in Wired yesterday that is very similar to my rant two weeks ago, only about RFID passports. 10-08-04 - A rant about the newly proposed RFID enabled drivers licenses. 9-30-04 - Feel free to give us some feedback about our shows. 9-28-04 - Thanks to the Squizzy crew for giving us a shoutout on episode 10 of their radio show. We are preping to do our principal shooting for episode 3 this week, followed by a few weeks of editing. We have several interesting projects we are deciding on for this show. You'll just have to wait to see what we have when it arrives, I don't think anyone will be disappointed. 9-18-04 - Our forums are up now. 9-15-04 - Episode 2 is done! 9-08-04 - Episode 2 is in final editing, it should be ready within a week. Also, we are in the show rotation over at RantTV. Be sure to check it out. 8-28-04 - Our first show is ready for download here!
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